
The Delicious Sandwich Social

Come out to the first annual Delicious Sandwich Social.

WHEN: Sunday, August 28th @ 1PM
WHERE: Near the Picnic House in Prospect Park, Brooklyn

The Rules:

1. Bring one FULL delicious sandwich (hero, hoagie, roll, bread) with you to the event.

2. Label and submit one half of your sandwich to the DSS advisory board.

3. Sandwiches will be labled with the name of submitter, and/or vegetarian, meat, dairy, etc. This can be done at the event.

4. Every participant will get one half of another participant's sandwich submission and keep the other half of their own.

5. One lucky random sandwich half will contain THE GOLDEN TICKET redeemable for the DSS prize package.

6. Enjoy your sandwiches, find the person who's sandwich you've eaten, throw a frisbee, have some fun!

Delicious Sandwich Social FAQ's

1. Is this event free?
Yes, all you need to participate is a sandwich.

2. Can I bring a hot sandwich?
Sure, but remember, you will only be trading one half of your sandwich so make sure what you bring is also something you like.

3. Who will be inserting the Golden Ticket?
The Golden Ticket will be insterted by Jon Friedman and Jon Bulette. They are ineligible from winning the prize.

4. What is the prize package?
That will be revealed during the actual event.

5. Will there be a man in a sandwich suit hanging around and taking pictures with us?
I surely hope so.

6. Will persons with dietary restrictions (ie. veg.) be paired with another of the same restrictive family?
Yes, they absolutely will. The DSS is diet restriction friendly.

7. I make several "mean" sandwiches...what if I want to bring more than one?
That is absolutely acceptable. The more sandwiches the better!

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